Palestrica of the Third Millennium, Vol. 14, no. 4, October-December 2013

Download full text EDITORIAL Traian Bocu: The National Register for Monitoring the Biometric Potential of the School Population / 259 ORIGINAL STUDIES Consuela Brăilescu, Rodica Scarlet, Adriana Nica, Ioan Lascăr: A study regarding the results of a rehabilitation program in patients with traumatic lesions of the hand after surgery / 263 Ramona Jurcău, Ioana Jurcău: A retrospective analysis of PubMed publications regarding the relationship between stress and athletes /  271 Nicolae Neagu: A new method to develop maximum power through charge contrast: the ”Top & Down” method / 277 Mihaela Ganciu: The improvement of the functional respiratory status of students from the University of Bucharest using the means of aerobic gymnastics / 283 Cristian Graur, Simona-Pia Făgăraş: Differences in the […]

Palestrica of the third millennium, Civilization and sport – Vol.14, no.3, July-September 2013

Download full text EDITORIAL TraianBocu: Where is the Romanian University Sports? / 169 ORIGINAL STUDIES Bogdana Năsui, Nina Ciuciuc: Dairy products and red meat intake and the risk of breast cancer – a case-control study in females from Transylvania / 171 Ramona Jurcău, Ioana Jurcău: Influence of moderate physical exertion on subacute low back pain, after Symphytumofficinale ointment treatment  / 175 Georgeta Delia Lupuţ, Nicolae Dinu Preda, Liviu Safta: The effect of amlodipine on motility and muscle tonicity / 181 Cristina Branea: Physical exercise impact on the risk of hypoglycemia in insulin-dependent patients / 186 Nina Ciuciuc, Bogdana Năsui: Anthropometric and bio-impedance data in relation to physical independence in elderly / 191 Ciprian Kollos, Simona Tache: Anthropometric indicators and aerobic exercise capacity […]

Palestrica of the third millennium, Civilization and sport – Vol.14, no.2, April-June 2013

Download full text EDITORIAL Traian Bocu: Civilization and sport / 81 ORIGINAL  STUDIES Cecilia Boboş, Simona Tache: Vitamin A, E and C supplementations and the  aerobic exercise capacity in rats (Note II) / 83 Ramona Jurcău, Ioana Jurcău: Influence of a green tea extract product on oxidative stress and muscle fatigue sensation in sedentary people subjected to physical exercise  / 90 Bogdana Năsui, Nina Ciuciuc: Epidemiological study on breast cancer risk and physical activity level among Transylvanian females / 96 Mihaela Popa:  Strategies of optimizing the elements of Romanian university sports / 100 Marius Leştaru, Ion Carp:  Fighting exercises with partner, as a means of developing strength in students’ upper limbs at the University of Bucharest / 107 Anca Jianu, […]

Palestrica of the Third Millennium, Vol. 13, no. 4, October – December 2012

Download full text Editorial Traian Bocu: Considerations on basic techniques in sports / 299 ORIGINAL STUDIES Amine Elloumi, Daniel Leucuţa, Mohamed Mohamed, Adriana Albu:  Determinants of arterial stiffness in physically active middle aged adults / 301 Dana-Maria Dimulescu, Gheorghe Chiriţi: Improvement of algo-dysfunctional syndrome by postural therapy in lumbosacral spine diseases / 306 Jaroslav Broďáni, Jaromír Šimonek: Prediction of coordination performance in ice-hockey players based on the structure of coordination capacities / 316 Ramona Jurcău, Ioana Jurcău: Influence of music therapy on anxiety and salivary cortisol, in stress induced by short term intense physical exercise / 321 Ioana-Maria Curiţianu, Mircea Neamţu:  An analysis of throws/goals scored by the male handball team HCM Constanţa during the ”Champions League” competition 2011-2012/326 Elena Balint: […]

Palestrica of the third millennium, Civilization and sport – Vol.14, no.1, January-March 2013

Download full text EDITORIAL Traian Bocu: Four hours of physical education in the schools of Romania / 5 ORIGINAL STUDIES Smaranda Laura Goţia, Smaranda Rodica Goţia, Camelia Gurban: Nutrition, coffee, alcohol consumption in students’ life style / 7 Cecilia Boboş, Simona Tache: Vitamin A, E and C supplementations and the aerobic exercise capacity in rats (Note I) / 12 Anca Lucia Vădan: Antioxidant complex administration and the serum and tissue oxidant/antioxidant balance in hypobaric hypoxia-exposed exercise-trained rats / 17 Codruţa Florina Bulduş: The effect of hemp seed oil on serum oxidant/antioxidant balance in rats trained to exercise with progressive intensity / 24 Alexandra Sevastre-Berghian: The influence of chronic hypothermic and anakinetic stress on the redox balance in carnitine supplemented rats […]