Palestrica of the Third Millennium, Vol. 14, no. 4, October-December 2013

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Traian Bocu: The National Register for Monitoring the Biometric Potential of the School Population / 259


Consuela Brăilescu, Rodica Scarlet, Adriana Nica, Ioan Lascăr: A study regarding the results of a rehabilitation program in patients with traumatic lesions of the hand after surgery / 263

Ramona Jurcău, Ioana Jurcău: A retrospective analysis of PubMed publications regarding the relationship between stress and athletes /  271

Nicolae Neagu: A new method to develop maximum power through charge contrast: the ”Top & Down” method / 277

Mihaela Ganciu: The improvement of the functional respiratory status of students from the University of Bucharest using the means of aerobic gymnastics / 283

Cristian Graur, Simona-Pia Făgăraş: Differences in the explosive force of the lower limbs between female volleyball teams / 288

Melania Câmpeanu, Anca Vădan, Bogdan Crişan, Oana Maria Nemeti, Alexandra Varga: The incidence of physical deficiencies among 11-12 year old children, in relation with the body weight category / 292

Florin Ţurcanu:  Kinesthetic sense, psychomotor ability developed using volleyball-specific methods in students / 297


Constantin Pehoiu, Andra Georgiana Pehoiu: Anxiety in institutionalized preadolescents. Manifestations, mitigation techniques (Note I) / 302

Ioan Feflea, Eugen Roşca: Exercise characteristics in the modern basketball game / 308

Ştefan Maroti: Among the history of the Workers’ Physical Culture Association Stăruinţa Oradea football team. 1912-1944 / 313

Ştefan Maroti, Şerban Doboşi, Paula Apostu: Radu Negulescu, a great athlete, a reputed doctor, and a highly praised professor / 320


Leon Gomboş: New Romanian publications in the field of sports / 325

Book reviews

Gheorghe Dumitru: Andy Smith, Ivan Waddington (Editors). Doing Real World Research in Sports Studies / 326

Demostene Sofron:  Titus Spânu. Luxury cads / 327


The editors / 329