Post-stroke recovery updates

Authors: Ana Maria Bumbea1, Roxana Carmen Dumitraşcu2, Bogdan Ştefan Bumbea2,

Anca Emanuela Muşetescu1, Otilia Rogoveanu1, Carmen Albu1, Rodica Trăistaru1

Affiliation:     1University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, Romania

2Emergency County Hospital Craiova, Romania


We aim to highlight the stages of cerebrovascular accident recovery. Stroke is defined as a circulatory disorder of ischemic or hemorrhagic type with the persistence of symptoms for more than 24 hours. It has a clinical expression of hemiplegia which in the first stage (day-weeks) is flaccid, followed by the spasticity phase that may last for weeks or months, and the last phase, the chronic one, during which reducing motor deficit and recovering abilities can be continued.

Motor recovery recognizes these stages of cerebrovascular accident and applies different techniques depending on the pres­ence of spasticity and its degree. If in the flaccid phase, passive kinetic elements and the restoration of kinesthetic memory are predominant, in the spastic stage and the chronic stage, the techniques of initiating the active movement predominate.

Recovery of a stroke patient is difficult and goes through several stages. These involve a longer or shorter period of time, depending on when the recovery starts. The sooner the recovery program starts, the higher the benefits, and the less the func­tional deficit.

Keywords: stroke, neurological rehabilitation, kinetotherapy

Post-stroke recovery updates