DOWNLOAD ALL ABSTRACTS : Download all abstracts / 0 LEADING ARTICLE Dan Riga, Sorin Riga: The Paradigm of the palestrica / 7 ORIGINAL STUDIES Viorela Ciortea, Liviu Pop, Laszlo Irsay , Anda Neacşu, Cosmina Bondor: Improvement in the quality of life of patients with hip arthroplasty / 10 Cecilia Boboş, Simona Tache, Cosmina Ioana Bondor, Remus Moldovan: Influence of coenzyme Q10 on phagocytic capacity in physical exercise / 17 Iuliana Boroş-Balint, Simona Tache: Anxiety and physical activity / 24 Nicolae Horaţiu Pop, Adriana Mureşan, Mihaela Luminiţa Staicu, Aurel Saulea: The effect of phosphocreatine supplementation on athletes and its influence on physical capacity / 28 Emilia Florina Grosu, Cornel Popovici, Denisa Petrehuş, Cristina Iurian, Silvia Surd: Communication in sports and the […]