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- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 20, no. 4, October-December 2018
- The International Symposium: Health Through Education, Prevention And Treatment
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 19, no. 3, July-September 2018
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 19, no. 2, April-June 2018
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 19, no. 1, January-March 2018
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 18, no. 4, October-December 2017
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 18, no. 3, July-September 2017
- Palestrica mileniului III Civilizaţie şi sport Vol. 19, no. 3, Iulie-Septembrie 2018
- Palestrica of the third millennium ‒ Civilization and sport Vol. 18, no. 2, April-June 2017
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 18, no. 1, January-March 2017
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 17, no. 4, October-December 2016
- Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 17, no. 3, July-September 2016
Palestrica of the Third Millennium – December 2009, Vol. X, Nr.4 (38)
DOWNLOAD ALL ABSTRACTS Download all abstracts LEADING ARTICLE Traian Bocu: Physical education role in forming key-competences from educational system / 359 ORIGINAL STUDIES Lucia Maria Lotrean, Simion Lotrean, Valeria Laza, Maria del Olivo del Valle: High school and university students’ concerns regarding the management of their body weight / 361 Petru Derevenco: The impact of stress and exercise on the cardiovascular system / 365 Cornelia Popovici, Simona Tache, Cornel Popovici, Cosmina Bondor: Supplementation of magnesium and zinc and oxidant/antioxidant balance in effort / 371 Nicolae Horaţiu Pop, Adriana Mureşan, Aurel Saulea: The effect of arginine supplementation on the oxidants/antioxidants balance during physical exercise / 377 Iuliana Boros-Balint, Simona Tache: The perception of stress in athletes / 380 Ioan Negru, Iuliana
Palestrica of the Third Millennium – September 2009 Vol. X, Nr. 3 (37)
DOWNLOAD ALL ABSTRACTS : Download all abstracts LEADING ARTICLE Traian Bocu: About teamwork in physical education and sports / 251 ORIGINAL STUDIES Valeria Bălan, Monica Stănescu, Ana Carmen Băisan: Some observations concerning body composition in teenagers with mental disabilities / 252 Mihaela Apostu: The connection between the dynamics of urinary ions and endurance exercise / 258 Lurdes Ávila-Carvalho, Maria da Luz Palomero, Eunice Lebre: Difficulty score in group rhythmic gymnastics (Portimão 2007/2008 World Cup series) / 261 Anne Pricart-Vaucelle, Anne Marie Lecoq, Martina Uvacsek, Iacob Hanțiu, Emmanuel Van Praagh, Daniel Courteix: Maximal expiratory flow assessment in children’s exercise-induced asthma diagnosis / 268 Marius Crăciun: Somatic anxiety reduction in elite athletes through biofeedback training. Results of a pilot study / 273
Palestrica of the Third Millennium – June 2009 Vol. X, Nr. 2 (36)
DOWNLOAD ALL ABSTRACTS : Download all abstracts / 0 LEADING ARTICLE Radu Munteanu: Professor Dorin Almăşan at 75 years of age / 137 GENERAL ARTICLES Dan Riga, Sorin Riga, Liana Moş, Daniela Motoc, Francisc Schneider: Pro-longevity life styles. Importance of physical activity and sport / 138 Simona Tache, Cristina Bidian, Dumitru Rareş Pop Ciocoi, Cornelia Popovici, Alina Martoma: The paradox of the oxidants/antioxidants balance in exercise / 145 Stelian Butariu, Elena Gheorghina Butariu, Georgeta Mihalaş: The theoretical background of magnetic stimulation on peripheral nerve fibres / 153 Elena Gheorghina Butariu, Lavinia Noveanu, Minodora Andor, Stelian Butariu, Georgeta Mihalaş: Exercise methodology in the elderly / 158 Laszlo Irsay, Monica Borda, Andreea Diana Marquise, Zsuzsa Irsay, Liviu Pop: Isokinetic exercises. Advantages, disadvantages
Palestrica of the Third Millennium – March 2009 Vol. X, Nr. 1 (35)
DOWNLOAD ALL ABSTRACTS : PM3 – vol X, nr.1(35), March 2009 / 0 LEADING ARTICLE Sorin Riga, Dan Riga: Vulnerability, stress and senescence. Movement and physical activity – anti-aging factors / 7 GENERAL ARTICLES Mirela-Lucia Călina, Elena Taina Avramescu, Denisa Enescu-Bieru, Ilona Ilinca: Importance of isokinetics for the evaluation and treatment of tendinitis and other muscle disorders in athletes / 14 Rodica Scarlet, Consuela Brăilescu, Adriana Sarah Nica: Methods and particularities of the evaluation and application of kinetoprophilaxy during active balneary treatment / 20 Valeria Laza: Encouraging some healthy behaviors in children / 27 Ioan Zanc, Iustin Lupu: Fair-play and deception in sport / 33 Nelida Nedelcuţ: Eurhythmics, a contemporary model of connection between movement, rhythm and sound / 40