Palestrica of the Third Millennium – December 2008 Vol. IX, Nr. 4 (34)

FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD : Full text download LEADING ARTICLE Mihaela Ganciu: Sport disciplines excessively promoted and others that should be promoted by media / 269 GENERAL ARTICLES Luciela Vasile: New strategies regarding selection process in swimming / 272 Violeta-Mariana Leuca, Simona Tache, Ioana Anca Bădărău: Selenium and exercise / 274 Ştefan Maroti: The Olympic Tournament of Men’s Basketball, Beijing, 2008 / 278 Laura Poantă, Mioara Budiu, Adriana Albu: Physical exercise and heart rate variability / 282 Cornelia Popovici, Simona Tache: Zinc and physical performance / 287 Melania Câmpeanu, Angela Hăisan, Ioana Debeurre, Petronela Floş: Kin-Ball – a giant ball and three teams simultaneously on the field / 292 Petru Mărcuţ: Calculation of necessary strength to execute movements at inclined plane […]

Palestrica of the Third Millennium – September 2008 Vol. IX, nr. 3 (33)

FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD : Full text download LEADING ARTICLE Adrian Gagea: About advanced science in high performance sport / 179 GENERAL ARTICLES Daniel Gligor, Alexandru Georgescu: Termino-lateral neurorrhaphy / 185 Elena Taina Avramescu, Ilona Ilinca, Gabriel Ioan Mangra, Mirela Călina: New approaches in human movement analysis / 189 Florin Pelin, Raluca Pelin: World cup and events for alpine skiing / 198 Luciela Vasile: The specificity of adapted aquatic activities / 202 Cornelia Popovici, Simona Tache: Copper and physical performance / 205 Violeta Mariana Leuca, Simona Tache, Alexandra-Cristina Berghian, Ioana Anca Bădărău, Gabriela Magdalena Brânzei: Selenium in organism / 210 Nikolaos Mavritsakis, George Freundlich, Traian Bocu: Exercise in the elderly / 215 Ioan Burcă, Mihai Tofan, Sorin Vlase: Mechanical modeling of […]

Palestrica of the Third Millennium – June 2008 Vol. IX, nr. 2 (32)

FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD : Full text download LEADING ARTICLE Gheorghe Dumitru: Physical activity for health – a real emergency for Romania; what should we start with? / 85 Ioan Ion Lador: A new conceptual perspective for the Advanced Master studies of the theoretical and teaching disciplines in the fundamental domain of physical education and sport sciences / 89 GENERAL ARTICLES Simona Tache, Gabriela Magdalena Brînzei, Ioana Anca Bădărău,: Water and physical performance / 93 Lucica Agoşton-Coldea, Teodora Mocan: Diagnostic and prognostic aspects of exercise testing in patients with coronary heart disease / 99 Nikolaos Mavritsakis, George Freundlich, Traian Bocu: Respiratory response induced by exercise in elderly people / 104 Rodica Gabriela Scarlet, Consuela Brăilescu: The rehabilitation protocol for anterior cruciate […]

Palestrica of the Third Millennium – March 2008 Vol. IX, nr. 1 (31)

FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD : Full text download LEADING ARTICLE Gheorghe Dumitru: Physical activity for health continues to remain a concept without substance for the ordinary Romanian citizen / 5 GENERAL ARTICLES Petru Derevenco: Eustress in athletes / 10 Rodica Gabriela Scarlet, Consuela Brăilescu : Instable post-traumatic knee evaluation / 12 Cornelia Monea, Simona Tache: Magnesium and physical exercise / 17 Daniela Aducovschi: Sport dance and aerobic gymnastics, musical sport branches of science proposed by the students from the University of Bucharest / 21 Melania Câmpeanu, Angel Hăisan, Ioana Debeurre, Petronela Floş: Korfball – the world’s only mixed team sport / 26 Curtseit Turchian: The effects of music on the human body during physical exercise / 30 ORIGINAL STUDIES Lucia Maria […]