Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 19, no. 1, January-March 2018

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Traian Bocu: The necessity of an insurance system in Romanian sport / 5


Erik Gnandt, LászlóIrsay, Monica Borda, ViorelaCiortea, RodicaUngur, IoanOnac: The role of isokinetic exercises in the rehabilitation of patients with impingement syndrome of the shoulder / 8

AlexandruMaftei, Roxana Maria Hadmaş, Ștefan Adrian Martin: Urinary parameters’ evolution during junior male water polo microcycle training / 13

Ramona Jurcău, IoanaJurcău: Rhodiolarosea’s relationship with stress, physical fatigue and endurance; a PubMed evaluation / 17

Gheorghe Dan Fetean, Gheorghe Monea, Florina-Emilia Grosu: The role of emotions in the enhancement of performance in football for the 7 to 10 age group / 23


Anne-Marie Constantin, Carmen Mihu, Maria Crişan, Alina Șovrea, Sergiu Şuşman, Bianca Boșca, Carmen Melincovici, Mariana Mărginean, Ioana Moldovan, Andrei Coneac, MihaelaJianu: Sport-related concussion / 28

MarinelaMinodoraManea, Bogdana Susana Milea, Alexandra Câmpean: Problematic exercise – a new behavioral addiction / 37

Valeria Laza: Soy and soy-based products in the athlete’s diet / 45

Ana Maria Bumbea, Roxana Carmen Dumitraşcu, Bogdan ŞtefanBumbea, Anca EmanuelaMuşetescu, OtiliaRogoveanu, Carmen Albu, RodicaTrăistaru: Post-stroke recovery updates / 53

Daniela Aducovschi, IoanSabău: Less known aspects of the Olympic Games / 58

PORTRAITS – Personalities of Romanian science and culture

Cristian Bârsu: The anniversary of the renowned pediatrician Prof. Dr. NicolaeMiu/ 63


Book reviews

Gheorghe Dumitru: Jane E.B. Reusch, Judith G. Regensteiner, Kerry J. Stewart, AristidisVeves (editors).

Diabetes and Exercise. From Pathophysiology to Clinical Implementation. Second Edition / 66


Cristian Potoră, Laura Ionescu: Annual cross-country skiing competitions of mountain centers in Cluj County – 2018 / 67


The editors/ 70