The subject of the Journal
The journal has a multidisciplinary nature oriented toward biomedical, health, exercise, social sciences fields, applicable in activities of physical training and sport, so that the dealt subjects and the authors belong to several disciplines in these fields. The main rubrics are: “Original studies” and “Reviews”.
Regarding “Reviews” the main subjects that are presented are: oxidative stress in physical effort; mental training; psychoneuroendocrinology of sport effort; physical culture in the practice of the family doctor; extreme sports and risks; emotional determinatives of performance; the recovery of patients with spinal column disorders; stress syndromes and psychosomatics; olympic education, legal aspects of sport; physical effort in the elderly; psychomotricity disorders; high altitude sportive training; fitness; biomechanics of movements; EUROFIT tests and other evaluation methods of physical effort; adverse reactions of physical effort; sport endocrinology; depression in sportsmen/women; classical and genetic drug usage; Olympic Games etc.
Among articles devoted to original studies and researches we are particularly interested in the following: the methodology in physical education and sport; influence of some ions on effort capacity; psychological profiles of students regarding physical education; methodology in sport gymnastics; the selection of performance sportsmen.
Other articles approach particular subjects regarding different sports: swimming, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, handball, volleyball, basketball, athletics, ski, football, field and table tennis, wrestling, sumo.
The authors of the two rubrics are doctors, professors and educators, from universities and preuniversity education, trainers, scientific researchers etc.
Other rubrics of the journal are: the editorial, editorial news, reviews of the latest books in the field and others that are presented rarely (inventions and innovations, universitaria, preuniversitaria, forum, memories, competition calendar, portraits, scientific events).
We highlight the rubric “The memory of the photographic eye”, where photos, some very rare, of sportsmen in the past and present are presented.
Articles signed by authors from the Republic of Moldova regarding the organization of sport education, variability of the cardiac rhythm, the stages of effort adaptability and articles by some authors from France, Portugal, Canada must also be mentioned.
The main objective of the journal is highlighting the results of research activities as well as the permanent and actual dissemination of information for specialists in the field. The journal assumes an important role regarding the achievement of necessary scores of the teaching staff in the university and preuniversity education as well as of doctors in the medical network (by recognizing the journal by the Romanian College of Physicians), regarding didactic and professional promotion.
Another merit of the journal is the obligatory publication of the table of contents and an English summary for all articles. Frequently articles are published in extenso in a language with international circulation (English, French).
All the content of the journal is available immediatly upon publication and is Open Access.
The journal is published quarterly and the works are accepted for publication in the Romanian and English language. The journal is sent by e-mail or on a floppy disk (or CD-ROM) and printed, by mail at the address of the editorial staff. The works of contributors that are resident abroad and of Romanian authors must be mailed to the Editorial staff at the following address:
„Palestrica of the third millennium – Civilization and sport”
Chief Editor: Prof. dr. Traian Bocu
Contact address: or
Mail address: Clinicilor street no. 1 postal code 400006, Cluj-Napoca, România
Our intention is that the journal continues to be a route to highlight the research results of its contributors, especially by stimulating their participation in project competitions. Articles that are published in this journal are considered as part of the process of promotion in one’s university career (accreditation that is obtained after consultation with the National Council for Attestation of Universitary Titles and Diplomas).
We also intend to encourage the publication of studies and research, that include original relevant elements especially from young people. All articles must bring a minimum of personal contribution (theoretical or practical), that will be highlighted in the article.
In the future we propose to accomplish criteria that would allow the promotion of the journal to superior levels according international recognition.
The manuscript must be prepared according to the stipulations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (
The number of words for the electronic format:
– 4000 words for original articles;
– 2000 words for case studies;
– 5000-6000 words for review articles.
Format of the page: edited in WORD format, A4. Printed pages of the article will be numbered successively from 1 to the final page.
Font: Times New Roman, size 11 pt.; it should be edited on a full page, with diacritical marks, double spaced, respecting equal margins of 2 cm.
The images (graphics, photos etc.) should be numbered consecutively in the text, with arabic numbers. They should be edited with EXCEL or SPSS programs, and sent as distinct files: „figure 1.tif”, „figure 2. jpg”, and at the editors demanding in original also. Every graphic should have a legend, written under the image.
The tables should be numbered consecutively in the text, with roman numbers, and sent as distinct files, accompanied by a legend that will be put above the table.
1. Title page: – includes the title of article (maximum 45 characters), the name of authors followed by surname, work place, mail address of the institute and mail adress and e-mail address of the first author. It will follow the name of article in the English language.
2. Summary: For original articles a summary structured like this is necessary: (Premize-Background, Obiective-Aims, Metode-Methods, Resultate-Results, Concluzii-Conclusions), in the Romanian language, of maximum 250 words, followed by 3-8 key words (if its possible from the list of established terms). All articles will have a summary in the English language. Within the summary (abstract) abbreviations, footnotes or bibliographic references should not be used.
Premises and objectives. Description of the importance of the study and explanation of premises and research objectives.
Methods. Include the following aspects of the study:
Description of the basic category of the study: of orientation and applicative.
Localization and the period of study. Description and size of groups, sex (gender), age and other socio-demographic variables should be given.
Methods and instruments of investigation that are used.
Results. The descriptive and inferential statistical data (with specification of the used statistical tests): the differences between the initial and the final measurement, for the investigated parameters, the significance of correlation coefficients are necessary. The specification of the level of significance (the value p or the dimension of effect d) and the type of the used statistical test etc are obligatory.
Conclusions. Conclusions that have a direct link with the presented study should be given.
Orientation articles and case studies should have an unstructured summary (without respecting the structure of experimental articles) to a limit of 150 words.
3. Text
Original articles should include the following chapters which will not be identical with the summary titles: Introduction (General considerations), Hypothesis, Materials and methods (including ethical and statistical informations), Results, Discussing results, Conclusions and suggestions. Other type of articles, as orientation articles, case studies, Editorials, do not have an obligatory format. Excessive abbreviations are not recommended. The first abbreviation in the text is represented first in extenso, having its abbreviation in parenthesis, and thereafter the short form should be used.
Authors must undertake the responsibility for the correctness of published materials.
4. Bibliography
The bibliography should include the following data:
For articles from journals or other periodical publications the international Vancouver Reference Style should be used: the name of all authors as initials and the surname, the year of publication, the title of the article in its original language, the title of the journal in its international abbreviation (italic characters), number of volume, pages.
Articles: Pop M, Albu VR, Vişan D et al. Probleme de pedagogie în sport. Educaţie Fizică şi Sport 2000; 25(4):2-8.
Books: Drăgan I (coord.). Medicina sportivă, Editura Medicală, 2002, Bucureşti, 2002, 272-275.
Chapters from books: Hăulică I, Bălţatu O. Fiziologia senescenţei. In: Hăulică I. (sub red.) Fiziologia umană, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1996, 931-947.
Starting with issue 4/2010, every article should include a minimum of 15 bibliographic references and a maximum of 100, mostly journals articles published in the last 10 years. Only a limited number of references (1-3) older than 10 years will be allowed. At least 20% of the cited resources should be from recent international literature (not older than 10 years).
Peer-review process
In the final stage all materials will be closely reviewed by at least two competent referees in the field (Professors, and Docent doctors) so as to correspond in content and form with the requirements of an international journal. After this stage, the materials will be sent to the journal’s referees, according to their profiles. After receiving the observations from the referees, the editorial staff shall inform the authors of necessary corrections and the publishing requirements of the journal. This process (from receiving the article to transmitting the observations) should last about 4 weeks. The author will be informed if the article was accepted for publication or not. If it is accepted, the period of correction by the author will follow in order to correspond to the publishing requirements.
Conflict of interest
The authors must mention all possible conflicts of interest including financial and other types. If you are sure that there is no conflict of interest we ask you to mention this. The financing sources should be mentioned in your work too.
The specifications must be made only linked to the people outside the study but which have had a substantial contribution, such as some statistical processing or review of the text in the English language. The authors have the responsibility to obtain the written permission from the mentioned persons with the name written within the respective chapter, in case the readers refer to the interpretation of results and conclusions of these persons. Also it should be specified if the article uses some partial results from certain projects or if these are based on master or doctoral theses sustained by the author.
Ethical criteria
The Editors will notify authors in due time, whether their article is accepted or not or whether there is a need to modify texts. Also the Editors reserve the right to edit articles accordingly. Papers that have been printed or sent for publication to other journals will not be accepted. All authors should send a separate letter containing a written statement proposing the article for submission, pledging to observe the ethics of citation of sources used (bibliographic references, figures, tables, questionnaires).
For original papers, according to the requirements of the Helsinki Declaration, the Amsterdam Protocol, Directive 86/609/EEC, and the regulations of the Bioethical Committees from the locations where the studies were performed, the authors must provide the following:
– the informed consent of the family, for studies in children and juniors;
– the informed consent of adult subjects, patients and athletes, for their participation;
– malpractice insurance certificate for doctors, for studies in human subjects;
– certificate from the Bioethical Committees, for human study protocols;
– certificate from the Bioethical Committees, for animal study protocols.
The data will be mentioned in the paper, in the section Materials and Methods. The documents will be obtained before the beginning of the study. Will be mentioned also the registration number of the certificate from the Bioethical Committees.
Editorial submissions will be not returned to authors, whether published or not.
Requests for advertising space should be sent to the Editors of the “Palestrica of the Third Millennium” journal, 1, Clinicilor St., 400006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The price of an A4 full colour page of advertising for 2012 will be EUR 250 and EUR 800 for an advert in all 4 issues. The costs of publication of a logo on the cover will be determined according to its size. Payment should be made to the Romanian Medical Society of Physical Education and Sports, CIF 26198743. Banca Transilvania, Cluj branch, IBAN: RO32 BTRL 0130 1205 S623 12XX (RON).
The “Palestrica of the Third Millennium” journal is printed quarterly. The subscription price is 100 EUR for institutions abroad and 50 EUR for individual subscribers outside Romania. For Romanian institutions, the subscription price is 150 RON, and for individual subscribers the price is 120 RON. Note that distribution fees are included in the postal costs.
Payment of subscriptions should be made by bank transfer to the Romanian Medical Society of Physical Education and Sports, CIF 26198743. Banca Transilvania, Cluj branch, IBAN: RO32 BTRL 0130 1205 S623 12XX (RON), RO07 BTRL 01,304,205 S623 12XX (EUR), RO56 BTRL 01,302,205 S623 12XX (USD). SWIFT: BTRLRO 22
Please note that in 2010 a tax for each article submitted was introduced. Consequently, all authors of articles will pay the sum of 150 RON to the Romanian Medical Society of Physical Education and Sport published above. Authors who have paid the subscription fee will be exempt from this tax. Other information can be obtained online at “Instructions for Authors”, at our e-mail address or at the postal address: 1, Clinicilor St., 400006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, phone: +40264-598575.
Title of the journal: Palestrica of the third millennium – Civilization and sport
pISSN: 1582-1943; eISSN: 2247-7322; ISSN-L: 1582-1943
Profile: a Journal of Study and interdisciplinary research
Editor: “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca and The Romanian Medical Society of Physical Education and Sports in collaboration with the Cluj County School Inspectorate
The level and attestation of the journal: a journal rated B+ by CNCSIS in the period 2007-2011 and certified by CMR since 2003
Journal indexed into International Data Bases (IDB): EBSCO, Academic Search Complete, USA and Index Copernicus, Journals Master List, Poland; DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Sweden.
Year of first publication: 2000
Issue: quarterly
The table of contents, the summaries and the instructions for authors can be found on the internet page: http://www.pm3. ro. Access to the table of contents and summaries (in .pdf format) is free.